Legal notice


AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. endeavours to assure that the information provided by this website is correct and updated.

Notwithstanding, mistakes or omissions can not be discarded so that the user might not consider the information as valid without consulting AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. before. None of our website contents can be considered as an affirmation, a true fact or has a contractual value.

AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. can not control the use of the information, contained in the website, performed by the user. Therefore, AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. will not be responsible whatsoever of any direct or indirect date or damage that may derive or hold any connection with the use of the aforementioned information or tool. Anyways, none of the rights as users of AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. will be affected.


Every content included in this website belongs to AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. 

AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. permits the use, reproduction and distribution of its website content, provided that the written consent is given and fulfills the following rules:

every total or partial copy of the name AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. must include the copyright notice of the name AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L.: ©AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. All rights reserved. In case of use, reproduction and distribution of the ownership to third party contents that appears in this website, the copyright symbol of those people have to appear in every reproduction.

Modifications about the content are not allowed except when authorised by AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L.. These modifications might only be done to inform. Commercial outcome or distribution, public communication, transformation or decompiling is not allowed.

Neither a graphic nor picture available in AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. website will be used separately from the rest of accompanied images or correspondent text.

Content from the AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. website can not be shared or published together with information about:

– Pornography or prostitution.
Child labour.
– Racism.
– Terroris.
Any other illegal content.

AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. reserves the right to revoke the authorization to use the content of its website at any time. In that case, every use must be interrupted. AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. will not be responsible for the information added to third party people with some of its own website content.

Product names that appear in this website may be trademarks of their respective companies.


AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. can not revise nor has revised every website linked to this one, so it is not responsible for their contents. Risks associated with the checking of those websites mainly belong to the users, so that they must follow the condition terms and rules.


Any content or information aimed at this website by any means will be considered non-confidential in nature and public, therefore, it might be shared, stored or used by AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. for any use, including development, manufacturing and marketing of its products.

Do not send to nor from this website any sort of illegal, intimidating, defamatory, libelous, offensive, obscene, scandalous, provocative, pornographic, irreverent or any other content of information which might result in public or criminal liability where this website is used for.


See the AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. privacy policy in relation with the use of personal data done by AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L.


As the prices as the indicated availabilities in AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. website may be subject to change without prior notice.

It may be possible that AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. website makes reference to products or services not marketed in some countries. These references do not imply that AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. is moving into trade in those countries.


The software available to be purchased and downloaded from this website is intellectual property of AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. 

The use of such software is regulated by the conditions given in the License Use that accompany the document. It is not allowed the download or installation of any software if the conditions listed in the License Use are not allowed.


The services given through this website by AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. can not be used with legal purposes or not allowed by the current legal notice. It is forbidden to interfere in the third parties’ uses of the AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. services, just as causing any damage to the AUTO ANDALUCÍA BUS, S.L. servers or the connected networks to them.

Send your questions about this legal notice to:
E-mail: or to the following address:

Calle Fátima, 5
Montequinto (Dos Hermanas)
41089 Sevilla